Participation of UEPA representatives in the international scientific symposium on migration in Augsburg, Germany.


At the beginning of winter, on December 1-3, Anna Fomenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy and a researcher at the Hochschule Wismar (Germany) took part in the International Scientific Symposium on Migration "Forced Migration In The XXI Century: Challenges, Values, Reflections", held as part of the project "Stories in things. Escapes and arrivals".

It was an incredible scientific event that took place in the beautiful and ancient city of Augsburg, the capital of the Swabian region in southern Germany in Bavaria.

At the symposium, Anna Fomenko gave a report “The Influence of Migration on the Cultural Growth of Ukrainian Youth: Embracing European Ethics and Compliance”, which was based on the results of a study conducted in co-authorship with Roman Nesterenko, Institutional Erasmus + UEPA coordinator, head of the permanent working group of internationalization and project activities of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, national coordinator of the ERASMUS+ project for the development of higher education UA-Talent-UP "Development of entrepreneurship, creativity and intercultural competences to ensure high quality of teaching in Ukraine".

Scientists and public figures from Ukraine, Germany, Switzerland, Poland and the USA took part in the event. A number of important issues were discussed:

- creation of conditions for the remigration of Ukrainians in the post-war period;

- integration problems during forced migration;

- aspects of employment of highly qualified specialists in the countries of temporary residence.

The project is implemented with the financial support of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany.

Project partners: Deutsch-Ukrainischer Dialog e.V.; Kunstsammlungen und Museen Augsburg; Gedankendach; Lviv National Academy of Arts; PU “Centre for Social Innovations”.