Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy

Foundation year: 1958.

State form of ownership.

Rector of the Academy Kovalenko E.E.


61003, Kharkov, 16 Universitetskaya st.

Phone/fax: +38(057) 731-28-62; +38(057) 731-32-36.


Admissions department:

Site of the Academy:

Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy is a modern educational and scientific center which generously passes on the world and national values of science and culture to the youth.


The history of the Academy began in 1958, and since its high level of specialists’ training remains unchangeable.

The Academy provides the students with an opportunity to receive vocational training in the corresponding industry, psychological-pedagogical training and a working profession. It gives them a chance to carry out important social, professional, production and technological activity on ensuring high level of training in professional education system after graduation from the Academy: in technical training colleges, technical schools, colleges, schools, educational complexes, on production.

The Academy carries out continuous multilevel training on educational and qualifying levels: Bachelor – Master.

Students of the Academy study at full and part time departments. The system of scientific pedagogical personnel’s training which includes doctoral candidacy and postgraduate course operates effectively.

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In the Academy there are scientific students’ organizations and circles of amateur performance which give the chance to realize hobbies and widen the scope of interests. Sports is an inseparable part of student's life.

Students who arrived for studies from different regions of Ukraine are provided with hostels.

UEPA has 4 specialized Academic Councils of defence of Ph.D theses; Center of training of the international teachers-engineers.

More than 5 000 students study at 5 faculties of the Academy, departments provide students’ training on humanities, fundamental, general engineering and special disciplines, being the centers of educational, methodical and research works.

The Academy consists of:

  •  Educational Scientific Professional Pedagogics Institute situated in Bahmut citу;

In 1999 of UEPA obtained the License for foreign citizens’ training, and in 2000 Center of Training of Foreign Citizens was created. The structure of the Center includes preparatory office which carries out foreign school leaver’s training. During one year of training students along with studying the Ukrainian (Russian) language, receive necessary knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other fundamental sciences. Academic year consists of two semesters – autumn and spring.

Center of Training of Foreign Citizens:

Ukraine, 61003, Kharkov, 3 Potebni st.

Fax: +38(057) 706-39-71

UEPA has the industrial practice center where students pass production (on 6 zones) and professional training in the course of which they receive working categories on the licensed professions:

* operator of typing;

* electric welder of manual welding;

* turner;

* mechanic-repairman;

* electrician on maintenance and electric equipment service;

* assembler of radio-electronic equipment and devices;

* inspector of machine and mechanical work (machine and mechanical works).

Also students have a possibility to receive and upgrade working qualification on above mentioned  professions.

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