We announce the selection of candidates for the mixed course of intensive training at the Wismar University (Germany) within Erasmus+ BIP project on the implementation of compliance management.


The Business School of the Wismar University and the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies, International Relations and Academic Mobility (hereinafter – CIETIRAM) of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy announce the start of the Academy`s teaching staff representatives competitive selection for the mixed intensive training course “Mechanisms for implementing the universal theoretical and practical approaches to Compliance Management Education in universities of the European Union and Ukraine”.

The course is implemented within Erasmus+ BIP project “Mechanisms for Implementing Universal Approaches to Compliance Management Education”.

The course program provides a mixed learning format, combining online classes and a 5-day study visit to Germany.

Teachers who meet these requirements may participate in the training:

- are employees of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy;

- have a Master`s degree or a Candidate`s scientific degree (PhD, Doctor) of Economic, Pedagogical or Psychological Sciences;

- are engaged in the study of compliance management, risk management and business ethics issues;

- have a high level of motivation to improve the professional teacher training and cooperation with stakeholders at the institutional and/or national levels;

- speak English at B2 level or higher;

- meet the requirements for entering Germany.

The final decision on the selection of candidates is made by the host university. 

Candidate registration form 

Registration lasts until February 23 (including).

WARNING! In case of confirmation of pre-selection from the Wismar University, candidates must prepare the following documents (in English):

- resume;

- motivation letter.

These documents are submitted in electronic form to the CIETIRAM This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Candidates will receive the final decision on participation in the course by e-mail.