About students of UEPA who lost their lives in the war


With great sadness and sorrow, we inform you that:


On March 25, a graduate of our academy, Ihor Pakhomov, was killed in the battles near the Olkhovka military training camp in the Kharkiv region. He heroically defended our land from the russian invasion.


Also another our graduate (faculty of Computer Technologies in Production and Education) Yareshko Mykhailo, died in the struggle for freedom and independence of Ukraine. Mykhailo joined the ranks of the Armed Forces from the first days of the war. He fought heroically for the liberation of Kharkiv Oblast from the invaders and died tragically at the hands of the invaders on April 22 in the battles that took place between the villages of Pyatikhatky and Ruska Lozova.

The life of 32-year-old Anton Tomashevskyi, defender of Ukraine, former student of our academy, ended. A russian drone struck the village of Berestov, Kharkiv region, while Anton was performing a combat mission. Anton Tomashevskyi is a graduate of the Faculty of Energy and Automation, a true and courageous defender of Ukraine. Anton is a patriot with a capital letter, who fulfilled not only his public, but also military duty. Anton studied at the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy from 2017 to 2022. Teachers and classmates remembered Anton as a responsible, sociable and open to communication guy. Anton participated in the anti-terrorist operation, after the end of the contract he worked as an energy engineer at the Zmiyiv TPP, from February 25 he defended Ukraine from the invaders. We express our sincere condolences to Anton's relatives and friends. Today, the entire academic community shares your grief and mourns with you.


We are proud of our graduates!

Eternal memory and glory!

Heroes do not die!