UEPA community is invited to an open lecture by Professor Thomas Deissinger


On April 27, 2023 at 13:00, Professor Thomas Deissinger, Head of the Chair of Business and Economics Education I at the Department of Economics of the University of Konstanz (Germany), will give a public lecture.

All students and teachers are welcome.

The lecture will be held in Zoom,

please join 15 minutes before the event.

Conference ID: 845 3820 7953

Code: 2023




Professor Thomas Deissinger has been the Head of the Chair of Business and Economics Education I at the Department of Economics of the University of Konstanz for more than 25 years. He is famous as a researcher in VET Teacher Education. He is a visiting professor at German and Austrian universities and a member of different European Education Societies and Associations as well as Editorial Boards of renowned international journals.

Thomas Deissinger was born in 1958, Heidenheim (Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany).


- University Studies: University of Mannheim: 1980 – 1984/85.

- Degree: Diploma in Business Education: April 1985.

- Ph.D.: July 1991 (University of Mannheim).

- Habilitation: May 1997 (University of Mannheim).


- Student assistant at the University of Mannheim: 1982-1985.

- Internships with J.M. Voith GmbH (Heidenheim) and Voith Transmissions, Inc. (Allendale, New Jersey/USA): 1979-1984.

- Foreign Language Assistant/Assistant Teacher at St. Bartholomew's School in Newbury, Berkshire (UK): 1985-1986.

- Assistant Lecturer in Business Education at the University of Mannheim: 1986-1997.

- Teaching Semester at the University of Leipzig: summer 1994.

- Temporary Professorship in Business Education at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg: 1997/1998.

- Since April 1998 Head of the Chair of Business and Economics Education I at the Department of Economics of the University of Konstanz.

- Since May 2016: Honorary Doctor of Kiev National Economic University/Ukraine.


- Member of the «German Society for Educational Studies».

- Member of the «Australian Vocational Education and Research Association» (AVETRA).

- Member of the «German Commercial Teachers Association» (BLV), Baden-Wuerttemberg.

- Lecturer at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Ludwigshafen am Rhein: 1991-1997.

- Lecturer at the German Foundation for International Development (DSE/InWEnt) in Mannheim: 1996-2005.

- Member of the Editorial Board of the International Handbook of Vocational Education.

- Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the «International Journal of Training Research».

- Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the «Journal of Vocational Education and Training».

- Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of «Education and Training».

- Visiting Professor at the University of Zurich.

- Visiting Professor at the Vienna University of Business and Economics/Austria.

- Visiting Professor at the University of Innsbruck/Austria.


- General Research Focus: Institutionalisation of VET; VET Policy; Comparative VET Research; History of VET; VET in Schools; Apprenticeship Training; VET Teacher Education.

- 1992-1995: Evaluation Project on «Vocational Academies» (University of Mannheim/Ministry of Science and Research, Baden-Wuerttemberg).

- 1999/2000: Research Project on «Comparison of VET Systems in Germany and the UK» (University of Konstanz).

- 2001: Research Project on «Comparison of VET Systems in Germany and Switzerland» (Konstanz-Thurgauer Kooperation).

- 2003/2004: Evaluation Project on «Training Firms in Commercial Vocational Colleges in Baden-Wuerttemberg» (Ministry of Education, Baden-Wuerttemberg).

- 2004-2006: EU Leonardo Project on «Support of Persons in the Process of the Accreditation of Informal Learning» (Commission of the EU).

- 2009-2011: EU Leonardo Project on «Hybrid qualifications» – increasing the value of Vocational Education and Training in the context of Lifelong Learning (Commission of the EU).

- 2015/2016: Research Project on «Dual Vocational Training in Germany and Canada» (University of Konstanz).

- 2016-2018: EU Erasmus+ Project (Capacity Building) on «Improving Teacher Education for Applied Learning in the field of Vocational Education and Training» (ITE-VET).

- 2020-2023: EU Erasmus+ Project (Capacity Building) on «New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine» (PAGOSTE). The project is implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy.

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ project PAGOSTE, Professor Thomas Deissinger is taking an active part in the development of the vocational education system in Ukraine and improving the training of future teachers at UEPA.