UEPA is starting the implementation of the new international project TEX4YUA with the financial support of the Swedish Institute


The Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy as part of a consortium represented by University of Borås (Sweden), UEPA, Lutsk National Technical University and “INNOGEN” (Ukraine) became the winners of a special grant competition in support of Ukraine within the program of Swedish Institute SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme.

The project is called TEX4YUA: Sustainable Excellence for Ukrainian Youth in the Textile and Apparel Industry and will last for two years, from December 1, 2023 to November 30, 2025. Project funding is set at SEK 1.468.880. TEX4YUA aims to empower young people involved in the textile industry in Ukraine. By strengthening the target group with knowledge, skills and inspiration, the project aims to foster innovation.

This project is aimed at meeting the urgent needs of Ukrainian school and student youth and teachers who are staring their carreers, as well as young workers in the textile industry. Its aim is to provide these groups with the knowledge, skills and innovative thinking in the field of textiles to become competitive in the international market. The project also aims to provide the teaching staff with advanced pedagogical methods and research methodologies.

Initial needs include advanced textile education, practical training, sustainability awareness and English language skills. Expected results include increased cooperation between partners, an online platform for sharing resources, and comprehensive training materials. Young textile workers will benefit from hands-on workshops. The project will contribute to increasing the interest of young people in relevant programs aimed at the development of the textile industry in Ukraine.

The project also provides for the preparation of a number of applications for EU funding to promote its results and ensure future support for the development of young specialists in the textile industry in Ukraine.

The long-term aim of the project is to influence changes in the Ukrainian textile industry and contribute to its competitiveness on the world market through the introduction of innovative educational products for students of higher and professional education in Ukraine. The project also supports with new knowledge and opportunities young entrepreneurs and teachers of both institutes of higher education and institutes of professional (professional and technical) education in Ukraine, who will educate the next generation of textile workers, inventors and innovators.

To complete the project, the Academy will engage the Department of Food Technologies, Light Industry and Design (Head Prof. Oleg Lytvyn), the Center for Career Development, Creativity and Entrepreneurship and the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies, International Relations and Academic Mobility.

This project will help to significantly strengthen and modernize the training of students of all levels of education at the Academy in the specialties 015.36 Professional education (Technology of light industry products) and 182 Technologies of light industry and to develop interaction with key stakeholders both in the field of fashion, textiles and light industry, and in the field of vocational education in sewing and textile direction.

On December 19, the first online meeting of TEX4YUA partners took place, at which further plans for registering and launching the project were discussed.