UEPA representative started studying at the course “Management of Internationalization and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2024”


Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, together with 14 higher education institutions from different regions of Ukraine, was selected to participate in the training course “Management of Internationalization and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2024” that is organized by the International Office of Leibniz University Hannover within the DAAD program. The aim of the course is to meet the needs of various Ukrainian higher education institutions with different levels of experience in the field of internationalization and to help them create or join relevant national and international networks. Acquired skills of international administration and relevant professional skills will let participants use networks and initiate joint cross-border projects of mutual interest. The project will also contribute to the creation of sustainable institutional contacts and networks.

The course will last from January to December 2024 and will include:

- mandatory attendance of online meetings;

- development and implementation of the internationalization project in educational institutions;

- regular work and reporting on this internationalization project and its progress;

- preparation of presentations and reports;

- attending seminars in Germany and Kyiv.

The Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy is represented at the course by the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Professor Maryna Vasylieva, who was selected and began studying under the program.