The EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal invites the UEPA community to watch the movie “HOME”. Let`s support our partners!


It`s time to act – let`s do it together!

On June 5, World Environment Day, the EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal begins its active stage of implementation with a free streaming of the movie HOME for everyone.

This year`s World Environment Day campaign focuses on:

- land restoration

- the fight against desertification and drought under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration»

EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal - a project with the overall goal of creating a strong European community of environmentally aware and responsible young people who are aware of climate issues and know how to counteract them, launched in March 2022 and supported by the Creative Europe MEDIA program (Program: Audience Development and Film Education) is entering its second round.

Currently, the project is being implemented in 12 countries – Ukraine, Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and South Tyrol (Italy) – in the form of free film screenings and free streaming, supplemented by didactic materials aimed at students and teachers. The project will run until February 2026.

Starting in September 2024, Ukrainian students and teachers who stay in Ukraine and abroad, will have free full access to nearly 50 great European films with Ukrainian subtitles and high-quality didactic materials.

The movie “HOME” with Ukrainian subtitles will be available on the website 

from June 5 to 15 free for everyone without registration. Many more films are waiting for you at this link!

HOME is a celebration of the beauty of the Earth and a passionate call to protect it from destruction. The compelling and defiantly optimistic film travels to 54 countries, highlighting the state of the environment and the factors that will play a major role in determining its future.

Yann Arthus-Bertrand, director of HOME, said: “With HOME, we wanted to launch a new model of cinema – activist cinema that engages civil society and various NGOs. I am delighted that 15 years after its world premiere, HOME has become part of EU Youth Cinema, reaching thousands of young people in Europe and beyond. Our current trajectory threatens our civilization and depletes the Earth`s resources. We must consider creating a new, more equitable system, which can only be achieved through a change in public opinion. We need to share more, to give more love, and to love each other more. While this may sound utopian and naïve, I believe that utopia represents a deep and natural truth.”

The project partner in Ukraine is a partner of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy – INNOVATION GENERATION NGO (INNOGEN) in Kharkiv (Ukraine).

More information about the organization and its projects is available on the NGO`s website