The UEPA project team took part in the discussion of the progress of the Erasmus+ CRED4TEACH project at the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University


On June 13 representatives of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy project team of the Erasmus+ CRED4TEACH project “MOOC-based microcredentials for teacher professional development” took part in a meeting to discuss the progress of the project.

The meeting was held at the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University in Drohobych, Lviv region. The event was attended by delegations from following partner universities:

- Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, represented by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Viacheslav Riznyk;

- Donbas State Pedagogical University, represented by Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work Stanislav Chaichenko and Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy Yaroslav Spivak;

- Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, represented by Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work Maryna Vasylieva and Head of the Permanent Working Group on Internationalization and Project Activities, National Coordinator of the CRED4TEACH project Roman Nesterenko.

Drohobych University was represented by Vice-Rector for Scientific Work Mykola Pantiuk, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work Mykola Halyk, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, International Relations and Information Activities Ihor Hrynyk, and the Erasmus+ team of the CRED4TEACH project.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the results of the project “MOOC-based microcredentials for teacher professional development”, which includes 10 partners from the European Union, Turkey, Albania, Montenegro, and 5 Ukrainian partners.

“Microcredentials are one of the trends in the development of modern continuing education. We are now in the process of approving the national framework of microcredentials and are starting to work on the institutional framework. The legislative basis for the acquisition, award and recognition of microcredentials will be the first step towards creating an effective system that will allow students or employees to quickly acquire new knowledge and skills that meet the needs of the labor market, contributing to their competitiveness and mobility in the labor market. It will also facilitate a more flexible approach to learning and professional development, where individual educational trajectories can be adapted to the specific needs and goals of each student or employee”, - says Roman Nesterenko.

Representatives of the project team from Drohobych University spoke about the current results of the development of massive open online courses, the experience of which they gained during the training “On the way to becoming a MOOC developer”.

“For us, this is a new, somewhat challenging, but at the same time extremely interesting learning experience. The style of presentation of material, approach to the development and structure of assignments, untypical for Ukrainian teachers, and, finally, the new experience of recording video lectures made it possible to deepen our own pedagogical skills, adapt to modern teaching technologies, and better understand the needs of modern, innovative education. This process will allow us to create more interactive educational programs that will help to engage students more actively in the learning process and improve the quality of education in general”, - Khrystyna Voitovych shared her experience.

Colleagues from Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav and Donbas State Pedagogical University expressed a desire to learn from the experience gained and noted that the introduction of microcredentials is a new stage in the development of higher education.

At the end of the meeting, the vice-rectors of the universities agreed to begin the process of preparing documents for signing joint inter-institutional agreements, as the universities have a long-standing cooperation in various fields and projects.