Representatives of the UEPA project team “Strengthening the capacities of Ukrainian academic staff in innovative pedagogical and psychological education and research” took part in the internship under the project


On June 10-12, the delegation of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy took part in a 3-day intensive international internship program on “Innovations in Education, Implementation of Knowledge in the Training of Future Teachers” together with representatives of the project team, represented by the following HEIs:

- Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav;

- State Higher Educational Institution “Donbas State Pedagogical University”;

- Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University;

- Zaporizhzhia National University;

- Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy.

Internship organizer and project coordinator: Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic).

The events were held offline in Truskavets, Lviv region, at the hotel “Vita Park. Stariy Dub”.

The Academy was represented at the event by:

- Maryna Vasylieva, Vice-Rector of the UEPA, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Methodology and Management of Education;

- Roman Nesterenko, Head of the Permanent Group on Internationalization and Project Activities of UEPA, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy, Methodology and Management of Education;

- Kateryna Abakumova, Assistant of the Department of Practical Psychology;

- Marharyta Ladyka, Assistant of the Department of Practical Psychology;

- Olha Kaidalova, Master level student of the Department of Practical Psychology.

The program included lecture blocks, group work on creating a 30-hour training course, seminars on preparing teaching materials and research methods.

The participants of the internship listened to lectures on “Problematic behavior related to addictions; new types of addictions” and “Prevention of burnout syndrome: strategy and tools for sustainable performance of the teaching profession” by Alois Danek, PhD; “Spiritual literacy as a tool for building the resilience of society” and “Qualitative research methods – presentation of methodology and results” by Michal Černý, PhD.

The UEPA team presented its 3 ECTS course syllabus, which will be implemented in the training of the Department of Practical Psychology students of UEPA.

Together, the internship participants discussed further activities within the project, adjusted the expected results, and summarized the interim results of the project.

The internship took place within the Masaryk University project “Strengthening the capacities of Ukrainian academic staff in innovative pedagogical and psychological education and research”, in cooperation with partners from Ukraine.

The project was supported by the resources of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic as part of development cooperation implemented abroad.