UEPA representatives conducted a training within a joint Ukrainian-Czech project at the KRSSC


On June 26, representatives of the Practical Psychology Department of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, in cooperation with the Kharkiv Regional Social Service Center, held a special training on “Innovations in Education. Prevention of Burnout Syndrome: Current Strategies and Tools. Value guidelines”.

Trainers: Associate Professor of the Practical Psychology Department Nataliia KUCHERENKO, assistants of the Practical Psychology Department Marharyta LADYKA and Kateryna ABAKUMOVA, student of the department Olha KAIDALOVA.

This training was aimed at sharing with social workers of Kharkiv region the experience and knowledge gained by representatives of the UEPA project team as part of the international internship “Innovations is Education, Implementation of Knowledge in the training of Future Teachers” within the joint Ukrainian-Czech project of Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic) “Strengthening the capabilities of Ukrainian academics in innovative pedagogical and psychological education and research”. The project is supported by the resources of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in the framework of development cooperation implemented abroad.

Based on the materials of the intensive internship program, our representatives shared useful knowledge gained from Czech professors and conducted a number of interesting and useful practical exercises: “Acquaintance”, “The World of My Values”, Eisenhower Matrix, “Balance of Values”, “Trash Can”, as well as interesting activities such as “Energizer” and “Palms”.