UEPA teachers took part in the international conference “The Future of Higher Education Management in the EHEA: Trends and Challenges – International Online Conference & Bar Camp”


Teachers of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management Yuliia Dudnieva, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Methodology and Management of Education Maryna Vasylieva and Professor of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics Tetiana Bondarenko took part in the international online conference “The Future of Higher Education Management in the EHEA: Trends and Challenges – International Online Conference & Bar Camp”, which took place on July 4, 2024.

The event brought together educators, researchers and managers from different countries to discuss current issues and trends in higher education management within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

The conference was held simultaneously within two projects, “THEA Ukraine X (Multiplication Trainings for Higher Education Administrators in Ukraine)” and “Management of Internationalization and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation”, which aim to empower Ukrainian higher education managers. That is why special attention was paid to the prospects for the strategy of integrating Ukrainian universities into the international academic community and improving the quality of educational services.

During the Bar Camp sessions, the participants discussed the following issues:

- strategic framework for a common future in the European Higher Education Area;

- academic freedom and university management;

- Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL);

- addressing the issues of higher education, citizenship and migration through art and science;

- challenges for Ukrainian students who are forced to leave the country due to the war and complete their studies remotely, and others.

This format of the event helped to set up a creative and productive atmosphere that inspired further cooperation and development of international contacts.