UEPA has won a new Erasmus+ project EUComplianceM4UA


Dear colleagues, employees, applicants, friends!

We are pleased to inform you that the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, as part of a consortium, has won a new international Erasmus+ project EUComplianceM4UA “Implementation of a European Approach to Compliance Management in Higher Education in Ukraine”.

Project consortium:

- Wismar University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

- Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique (Portugal)

- University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (Czech Republic)

- University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin (Poland)

- Central Ukrainian National Technical University (Ukraine)

- Izmail State University of Humanities (Ukraine)

- Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Ukraine)

- Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs (Ukraine)

- Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy (Ukraine)

The EUComplianceM4UA project aims to strengthen cooperation between higher education institutions in the EU and Ukraine.

The project focuses on the implementation of a European approach to compliance management with the strategic goal of raising the level of academic integrity, international management, entrepreneurship, business ethics and legal aspects in less experienced Ukrainian higher education institutions. The initiative is a response to the urgent need for ongoing global and European integration and is expected to make a significant contribution to the recovery and future performance of Ukrainian businesses.


- Improvement of teaching methods: the project aims to improve teaching and assessment mechanisms, quality assurance, management, and innovation in Ukrainian higher education institutions by integrating EU compliance methodologies.

- Accessible Compliance Education: Improving the accessibility and quality of compliance management education in business, management and law in Ukrainian higher education institutions to facilitate adaptation to the requirements of the European labour market.

- Promoting the stability of employment of Ukrainian universities graduates: to ensure the stability of employment opportunities for Ukrainian universities graduates in the context of European integration and globalization through compliance competencies.

- Promoting digital transformation: to facilitate digital transformation in the teaching of compliance management in Ukrainian partner universities through innovative tools such as futurebook, podcast, videos and gamification solutions.