UEPA representative attended offline meeting of House of Europe alumni in Kyiv


Head of the Permanent Working Group on Internationalization and Project Activities of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, Senior lecturer Roman Nesterenko attended an offline meeting of House of Europe alumni: House Talks.

More than 30 alumni of various House of Europe programs joined the networking event. Anastasiia Pustovii, a strategic communications expert and co-funder of the Superwise strategic bureau, facilitated the networking of community representatives in a very professional and engaging way.

The meeting was also attended by Mr. Fabian Mülltaler, Director of the Goethe-Institut in Ukraine, to congratulate the alumni and thank them for their fruitful work for the benefit of Ukraine. Daria Kostiuk, coordinator of the House of Europe alumni community, presented the program and features of the community.

The alumni community consists of almost 1700 incredible individuals who have already taken advantage of House of Europe opportunities: won grants, received scholarships or completed training programs.

House of Europe is a program funded by the European Union to support professional and creative exchange between Ukrainians and their colleagues in the EU and the UK. It focuses on culture and the creative sector, education and working with youth, social entrepreneurship, and media.

House of Europe offers more than 20 programs: scholarships to help Ukrainian professionals continue to work despite the war, grants for personal projects, trips to conferences, courses and internships in the EU and the UK, etc.

The House of Europe team finances the restoration of cultural infrastructure, supports the translation of literature and creative cooperation between Ukraine, the EU and the UK, preserves Ukrainian cultural heritage and develops creative and educational startups. Online lagoratories, workshops, discussions, conferences, hackathons and other events are held regularly as part of the program.