Visit of the UEPA delegation to the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (Spain) within the Erasmus+ international mobility


From 6 to 10 May, the delegation of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy consisting of Rector Denys KOVALENKO and Professor of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics Tetiana Bondarenko took part in the XI International Education Week held at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena  (Spain), which included a number of events related to the expansion of international cooperation. The International Education Week is a week of training and exchange of experience for higher education institutions employees. The event was attended by 60 participants from 23 countries.

As part of the programme, UEPA representatives attended seminars, workshops, and lectures dedicated to establishing international cooperation between universities. On the first day, Professor Rafael TOLEDO, Vice-Rector for Internationalization and the European University, and Ms Beatriz MARIN, Head of the International Office, delivered welcoming remarks and an introductory programme. Professor Francisco Vera, International Coordinator, spoke about programmes for European universities and presented the European University of Technology (EUt+), of which the Polytechnic University of Cartagena is a part. Juana Mari Belchi, a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language, gave a lecture on Introduction to Spanish Culture. The second day of the study week was dedicated to new international mobility opportunities for students and teachers. Teachers attended the workshop: Erasmus+ BIP: a new mobility opportunity, conducted by the Head of the International Office, Beatriz Marin. BIPs (blended intensive programmes) are short, intensive programmes that use innovative ways of learning and teaching, including the use of online collaboration. Programmes can include problem-based learning, where transnational and interdisciplinary teams work together to solve problems. By enabling new and more flexible mobility formats that combine physical mobility with a virtual part, blended intensive programmes aim to reach all types of students from all fields, industries and study cycles.

Professor Julia Weiss (School of Agricultural Engineering), Professor Juan Carlos Aarnoutse (School of Telecommunication Engineering), and Professor Joaquin Roca (School of Industrial Engineering) presented effective practices of applying Erasmus+ BIP.

The programme also included an interactive working session dedicated to Europe Day, which was conducted by Ms Amor Martinez, Eurodesk Multiplier - Department of Youth (City Council). During the session, representatives of different universities could get to know each other better and share practical experience in the implementation of international mobility and joint research projects and activities.

In addition to official meetings, the following cultural events were organized for our teachers:

- a tour of Cartagena;

- boat trip;

- a tour of the city center of Murcia;

- a tour of Cabo de Palos, one of the most important nature reserves in the Mediterranean.

The visit took place as part of the Erasmus+ project KA171 of international mobility of teaching staff from UPCT in Cartagena.